An Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM): Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)


Posted by Gu on June 28, 2019

Recall the Kernel SVM dual problem:

Dual Problem

$$ \max_{\lambda, \mu} L(\lambda)= \sum_{i=1}^{n}\lambda_i - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j}\lambda_i \lambda_j y_i y_j K_{i,j} \\ \begin{align} s.t.\ & 0 \leq \lambda_i \leq C \\ &\sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_i y_i =0 \end{align} $$

We have introduced using gradient descent algorithm to solve the dual problem. However, the computation of the gradient has a high time complexity and thus would be a challenge for memory, especially when the training dataset is large. In this post, I introduce an efficient and light-version algorithm to solve the dual problem: Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)

Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)

The algorithm of SMO is:

Initialization: let \(\{\lambda_i\}, i=1,\dots,n\) be a set which satisfies the dual constraint.
\(\ \ \ \\)(1) heuristically select two \(\lambda_a, \lambda_b\), and set all the other \(\lambda_i (i\neq a,b)\) fixed;
\(\ \ \ \\)(2) optimize \(L(\lambda)\) with respect to \(\lambda_a, \lambda_b\);
Until: KKT condition is satisfied with certain accuracy.

First question about the initialization: how to find a set \(\{\lambda_i\}\) which satisfies the dual constraints?
The answer is simply set \(\lambda_i=0\) for \(i=0,\dots,n\).

Suppose that we have finished the initialization, and pick up a pair \(\lambda_a, \lambda_b\) to optimize while keeping \(\lambda_i (i\neq a,b)\) fixed, then we have

$$ \begin{align} L(\lambda) =& \lambda_a + \lambda_b -\frac{1}{2} \lambda_a^2 K_{a,a} - \frac{1}{2} \lambda_b^2 K_{b,b} - \lambda_a \lambda_b y_a y_b K_{a,b} \\ & - \sum_{i\neq a,b} \lambda_a \lambda_i y_a y_i K_{a,i} - \sum_{i \neq a,b} \lambda_b \lambda_i y_b y_i K_{b,i} + Const \end{align} $$

Moreover, according to the dual constraints, we have

$$ \lambda_a y_a + \lambda_b y_b = -\sum_{i\neq a,b} \lambda_i y_i = - \xi\\ \lambda_b y_b = -\lambda_a y_a -\xi\\ \lambda_b = -\lambda_a y_a y_b -\xi y_b $$

So we have

$$ \begin{align} L(\lambda) =& \lambda_a -\lambda_a y_a y_b - \xi y_b - \frac{1}{2}\lambda_a^2 K_{a,a} -\frac{1}{2}(\lambda_a y_a + \xi)^2 K_{b,b} \\ & + \lambda_a y_a ( \lambda_a y_a + \xi ) K_{a,b} - \sum_{i\neq a,b} \lambda_a y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{a,i}\\ & + \sum_{i\neq a,b}(\lambda_a y_a + \xi)\lambda_i y_i K_{b,i} + Const \end{align} $$

\(L(\lambda)\) is concave with respect to \(\lambda_a\), since \(\frac{\partial^2{L}}{\partial{\lambda_a^2}}= -( K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} - 2K_{a,b} )=-(e_a - e_b)^T \mathbf{K} (e_a - e_b) \leq 0\) due to the fact that the kernel matrix \(\mathbf{K}\) is nonnegative definite (see last post An Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM): kernel functions ). Therefore, we can find the optimal value of \(\lambda_a\) which maximizes \(L(\lambda)\) by computing the gradient and set it to 0.

$$ \begin{align} \frac{\partial{L(\lambda)}}{\partial{\lambda_a}} =& 1 - y_a y_b -\lambda_a K_{a,a} - (\lambda_a y_a +\xi)y_a K_{b,b} + 2\lambda_a K_{a,b} \\ &+ y_a \xi K_{a,b} - \sum_{i\neq a,b} y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{a,i} + \sum_{i \neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{b,i}\\ =& 0 \end{align} $$

By solving this equation, we will get the solution for \(\lambda_a^\star\):

$$ \lambda_a^{\text{new}} = \frac{ 1-y_a y_b - \xi y_a K_{b,b} + y_a \xi K_{a,b} - \sum_{i \neq a,b} y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{a,i} +\sum_{i\neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{b,i} }{ K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} -2K_{a,b} } $$

It is too complicated to compute the numerator since there are too many terms. In the next, we will show that we can actually compute \(\lambda_a^\text{new}, \lambda_b^\text{new}\) from the old \(\lambda_a^\text{old}, \lambda_b^\text{old}\).

Before updating the value of \(\lambda_a, \lambda_b\), we first use the old version \(\lambda\) to perform the classification on data \(\mathbf{x}_ a, \mathbf{x}_ b\):

$$ \begin{align} \hat{y}_a &= \sum_{i\neq a,b}\lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} + \lambda_a^\text{old} y_a K_{a,a} + \lambda_b^\text{old} y_b K_{b,a}\\ \hat{y}_b &= \sum_{i\neq a,b}\lambda_i y_i K_{i,b} + \lambda_a^\text{old} y_a K_{a,b} + \lambda_b^\text{old} y_b K_{b,b}\\ \end{align} $$

Base on the expressions of \(\hat{y}_a, \hat{y}_b\), we can have the following equation:

$$ \begin{align} &y_a[ (\hat{y}_b - y_b) - (\hat{y}_a - y_a) ]\\ = & \sum_{i\neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,b} + \lambda_a^\text{old} K_{a,b} + \lambda_b^\text{old} y_a y_b K_{b,b} + y_a b^\text{old} - y_a y_b \\ \ & - \sum_{i \neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} - \lambda_a^\text{old}K_{a,a} - \lambda_b^\text{old} y_a y_b K_{b,a} - y_a b^\text{old} +1\\ =& \sum_{i\neq a,b} y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,b} + \lambda_a^\text{old} K_{a,b} - \xi y_a K_{b,b} - \lambda_a^\text{old} K_{b,b}- y_a y_b \\ \ & - \sum_{i \neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} - \lambda_a^\text{old}K_{a,a} + \lambda_a^\text{old} K_{a,b} + \xi y_a K_{a,b} +1 \\ =& 1- y_a y_b - \xi y_a K_{b,b} + \xi y_a K_{a,b} - \sum_{i \neq a,b}y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} +\sum_{i\neq a,b} y_a \lambda_i y_i K_{i,b}\\ \ & -\lambda_a^\text{old}( K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} - 2K_{a,b} )\\ = & \lambda_a^{\text{new}}(K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} -2K_{a,b})-\lambda_a^\text{old}( K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} - 2K_{a,b} ) \end{align} $$

We denote prediction error \(E_i= \hat{y}_i - y_i\), then we have the expression of \(\lambda_a^\text{new}\):

$$ \lambda_a^\text{new} = \lambda_a^\text{old} + \frac{y_a(E_b - E_a)}{K_{a,a} +K_{b,b} - 2K_{a,b} } $$

Discussion: What if \(K_{a,a} +K_{b,b} - 2K_{a,b}=0\)? In this case \(L(\lambda)\) is a first degree function, it’s still concave, but in this case the definition of \(\lambda_a^\text{new}\) is no longer meaningful, so we just simply select another pair \((\lambda_a, \lambda_b)\) and do the computation above.

Note that the expression of the \(\lambda_a^\text{new}\) is not clipped, so for simplicity we name it as \(\lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped}\). It is inadequate to only compute the \(\lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped}\). We need to further clip it based on the meaningful domain determined by the dual constraints. According to the dual constraints, each \(\lambda_i\) actually has a box constraint. So we have:

$$ 0\leq \lambda_a \leq C\\ 0\leq \lambda_b \leq C\\ \lambda_b = -\lambda_a y_a y_b - \xi y_b $$

We know that \(y_i \in \{-1, +1\}\). Based on whether \(y_a = y_b\) or not, we can have the relationship between \(\lambda_a\) and \(\lambda_b\) with box constraints, shown in the figure below.

Relationship between $\lambda_a$ and $\lambda_b$ with box constraints.

According to the figure, we can get the lower bound \(L\) and higher bound \(H\) for a meaningful solution of a new \(\lambda_a\):

  1. if \(y_a \neq y_b\):
    $$ L = \max(\xi y_b, 0)\\ H = \min(C+\xi y_b, C ) $$
  2. if \(y_a = y_b\):
    $$ L = \max(0, -C-\xi y_b)\\ H = \min(C, -\xi y_b) $$
    Based on \(L\) and \(H\), we can get the clipped new \(\lambda_a\):
$$ \lambda_a^\text{new, clipped} = \begin{cases} L, &\ \text{if}\ \lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped} < L \\ H, &\ \text{if}\ \lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped} > H \\ \lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped}, &\ \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$

This \(\lambda_a^\text{new, clipped}\) is the final meaningful new value of \(\lambda_a\). For simplicity, in the following we use \(\lambda_a^\text{new}\) to refer \(\lambda_a^\text{new, clipped}\).

After getting \(\lambda_a^\text{new}\), we need to compute \(\lambda_b^\text{new}\):

$$ \lambda_b^\text{new} = -\lambda_a^\text{new} y_a y_b - \xi y_b $$

Now, we need to decide whether to update the value of \(b^\star\). If \(0<\lambda_a^\text{new}<C\), then \(\mathbf{x}_ a\) is the support vector which is exactly located at the margin. Therefore, we can update \(b^\text{new}\) as:

$$ \begin{align} b^\text{new} &= y_a -\sum_{i\neq a,b} \lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} - \lambda_a^\text{new} y_a K_{a,a} - \lambda_b^\text{new} y_b K_{b,a}\\ &= b^\text{old} - ( \sum_{i}\lambda_i y_i K_{i,a} + b^\text{old} - y_a ) \\ &\ \ \ + (\lambda_a^\text{old}-\lambda_a^\text{new})y_a K_{a,a} +(\lambda_b^\text{old}-\lambda_b^\text{new}) y_b K_{b,a} \\ &= b^\text{old} - E_a + (\lambda_a^\text{old}-\lambda_a^\text{new})y_a K_{a,a} +(\lambda_b^\text{old}-\lambda_b^\text{new}) y_b K_{b,a} \end{align} $$

Otherwise, if \(0<\lambda_b^\text{new}<C\), we can update \(b^\text{new}\) as:

$$ b^\text{new} = b^\text{old} - E_b + ( \lambda_a^\text{old} - \lambda_a^\text{new} )y_a K_{a,b} +( \lambda_b^\text{old} - \lambda_b^\text{old} ) y_b K_{b,b} $$

Note that if neither \(0<\lambda_a^\text{new}<C\) nor \(0<\lambda_b^\text{new}<C\), here we choose not to update \(b\).

Now, we have finished one single iteration in SMO.

Before we summarize the algorithm of SMO, there are some updates that can improve the computation efficiency.

  1. Computation of \(\xi\): In the deduction above, we can see \(\xi\) is used in computing \(L,\ H\) and \(\lambda_b^\text{new}\). If we compute \(\xi\) using \(\xi = \sum_{i\neq a,b}\lambda_i y_i\), it will be time consuming. Instead, we can use the equation
    $$ \xi = -\lambda_a^\text{old} y_a - \lambda_b^\text{old} y_b $$
    By substituting the expression of \(\xi\) into the expression of \(\lambda_b^\text{new}\), we have:
$$ \lambda_b^\text{new} = \lambda_b^\text{old} + ( \lambda_a^\text{old} - \lambda_a^\text{new}) y_a y_b $$

Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm

According to the deduction above, we can have the pseudo algorithm of the SMO.

Initialization: \(\lambda_i=0\) for \(i=1,\dots,n\), \(b=0\), and pre-calculation of the Kernel matrix \(\mathbf{K}\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)heuristically (or randomly) select a pair \(\lambda_a^\text{old}\leftarrow \lambda_a,\ \lambda_b^\text{old}\leftarrow \lambda_b\);

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)if \(K_{a,a}+K_{b,b}-2K_{a,b}==0\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)continue

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(E_a = \sum_{i} \lambda_i y_i K_{i,a}+ b^\text{old} - y_a\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(E_b = \sum_{i}\lambda_i y_i K_{i,b}+ b^\text{old} - y_b\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped} = \lambda_a^\text{old} + \frac{ y_a (E_b - E_a)}{ K_{a,a} + K_{b,b} -2K_{a,b} }\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\xi = -\lambda_a^\text{old} y_a - \lambda_b^\text{old} y_b\)

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)if \(y_a \neq y_b\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(L= \max( \xi y_b,0 ),\ H=\min(C+\xi y_b,C)\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)else:
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(L= \max( 0, -C-\xi y_b ),\ H=\min(C, -\xi y_b)\)

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)if \(\lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped} < L\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_a^\text{new} = L\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)else if \(\lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped} > H\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_a^\text{new} = H\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)else:
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_a^\text{new} = \lambda_a^\text{new, unclipped}\)

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_b^\text{new}=\lambda_b^\text{old}+(\lambda_a^\text{old}-\lambda_a^\text{new})y_a y_b\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\lambda_a\leftarrow \lambda_a^\text{new},\ \lambda_b\leftarrow \lambda_b^\text{new}\)

\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)if \(0<\lambda_a^\text{new}<C\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(b^\text{new}=b^\text{old}-E_a +(\lambda_a^\text{old}-\lambda_a^\text{new})y_a K_{a,a}+(\lambda_b^\text{old}-\lambda_b^\text{new})y_b K_{b,a}\)
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)else if \(0<\lambda_b^\text{new}<C\):
\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(\ \ \ \ \ \ \\)\(b^\text{new}=b^\text{old}-E_b +(\lambda_a^\text{old}-\lambda_a^\text{new})y_a K_{a,b}+(\lambda_b^\text{old}-\lambda_b^\text{new})y_b K_{b,b}\)

Until: Maximum iteration reached, or the dual objective function \(L(\lambda)\) is not further maximized with a certain accuracy.

Cool, isn’t it? Now We are able to solve the dual problem using the SMO algorithm!


  1. 机器学习算法实践-SVM中的SMO算法- 知乎